
The Pillow Apocalypse

Fleur and Harry were having a nice date atop the astronomy tower. Harry had no idea what he was doing but it seemed like Fleur was enjoying herself. And then they heard a scream come from the lawn. Using one of the telescopes, they investigated the disturbance and saw a horde of what appeared to be pillows streaming from the Forbidden Forest. They watched with rapt attention as they saw the pillows attack one of the students covering them. The pillows finally moved off of the student who seemed unresponsive, and then they seemed to replicate. Harry thought he could just see the student’s chest moving as he quickly took Fleur's hand and started to descend.

They quickly made their way down, with many students wondering what the disturbance was. They made their way to the front lawn informing as many as possible. They burst through the doors of the Great Hall and saw it.

Atrue pillow fight.

Dumbledore along with some of the other teachers had formed a circle around a large group of first and second years. Fleur, Harry, and others fought their way to the group strengthening their defenses. A couple of the affected kids were in the center suffering from what appeared to be draught of living death and magical exhaustion.

Spells were flying, stuffing and feathers were in the air. Fleur was lighting swaths of pillows on fire but the defenders had to be careful about hitting the unconscious students. All seemed lost when Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore went down. A poor blasting curse sent a pillow flying right at the man.

The day was saved when the Hungarian Horntail flew from the forest, looking like a magical pincushion with pillows impaled on many of its spikes, spewing fire and stemming the flow of the oncoming pillows.

The day was deemed the Battle of the Pillows and will be remembered as the biggest pillow fight in wizarding history.