
Time Travel Shenanigans

They had lost the war, only able to run and hide as Britain and then the rest of the world collapsed around them. Years on the run eventually led them to taking on even greater risks and making even more outlandish plans to take down Voldemort. Eventually, Fleur had gotten the idea of how to send someone back in time. Much discussion ensued and they settled that they would put the plan into action.

Harry awoke to find himself in a dingy bar in front of the most beautiful woman he ever saw. Blonde, blue eyed, and a smirk that made him feel funny things. Just keeping his bearings and not staring at the woman was taking all his effort as his head throbbed in a staccato of pain.

"'Arry! Good you made it. We have to brief you before we can send you back. Viens mon beau petit héros, we are in the back."

Harry got up from the chair and was half dragged by the blonde woman behind the bar and through the employee doors. There he found someone who looked like Ron’s older brother Charlie and Hermione’s mom.

“Mrs. Granger? What are you doing here?”

“Ha, toldya he wouldn’t know what was going on. Harry, it’s us!” The Weasley man barked and smirked at Mrs. Granger.

“He obviously didn’t look outside and probably was staring at his amant's rear end,” giggled Mrs. Granger as she watch him blush brightly. He didn’t follow and tried to figure out what an amant was, but couldn’t think of much beyond it sounding French.

“Can someone tell me what’s going on? I don’t really know any of Ron’s older brother all that well.”

“Ah, oui. Tom Riddle won ‘Arry. He succeeded and we had to resort to extreme measures,” the blonde from earlier grabbed his hand and bent over in front of him to meet his eyes. “We had no real choice but figure out a way to send some information to prevent that.”

“Yes, we figured out a way to alter the past by circumventing the way that the information is passed through time by-.”

“Hermione, we talked about this, he doesn’t need a lecture on theory, but instead needs a gist. Harry, look, mate, we brought you to the future through magic to tell you where all the places that your old friend Tom hid other things like the Diary. He put another no-no on the name for those things, so just get the books Hermione tells you to buy and you’ll get enough of an idea.”

“Hermione? Ron?”

“Right, let’s get this over with, mon étalon. It all started…” —

“Okay, so if I do make it back to the appropriate time I should be able to find all of Tom’s things before he’s made any new ones. I also know that I can reach out to the French ministry for asylum for Sirius which will cause the British Ministry to deal with it fairly. Anything else?”

“Yes. Harry, we know that you are particularly inept with at magical travel, so just prepare for some thing like that after your arrival. Think of it as a much worse floo trip,” muttered the older Hermione. It was still strange to see Hermione her mother’s age, but he was glad she was here. He doubted he would have trusted anyone else if they tried to explain this all.

“Bugger, how am I even getting back anyways?” Asked Harry as he looked over the trio.

“Oh, that’s all Fleur, she figured out that you could just use a time turner and some maths. Just have to get you in position so that you end up in your closet until your past self disappears into the future.”

“How does that even-“

“See Ron, I knew he would need some theory,” smirked Hermione at Ron, “it’s all about how time turner’s work. Time turners turn back the time of the one operating it. Meaning that you’d travel back in time objectively, as you have traveled forwards in time but only experienced one and a half hours of actual subjective time. It’s all wonderfully simple once you take into account the frame of reference and translate the time vector into the subjects reference basis and then-“

“I think that is enough Hermione. If you could let me have a moment with ‘Arry?”

“Sure, come on Ron.” As the pair walked away Fleur stepped closer to Harry and gave him a list.

“You must get all the items on the list and show up at the time and place.”

“So I should buy a Dungeons and Dragon fiend folio, a 25 kilo bag of diatomaceous earth, and a red beret and croissant and show up on the 3rd of April 1993 on your balcony?”

“Oui, if you do, I’ll be yours. Don’t worry it’ll all make sense that day, mon rayon de soleil en bottes de pluie.”

“I-, Yeah, okay might as well. Anything else I should know?”

“Je te retrouverai dans le passé, mon amour. Take care and follow the plan,” with a kiss Fleur then put a time turner in his hand before sashaying towards the door.

“I would not risk taking too long, I would hate to see you stuck here,” she gave him a wink before leaving Harry alone in the room.

“Might as well.” With a quick triple turn of the little artifact, Harry was gone.