
Too Weird to Explain

Harry's eyes opened. He still felt tired and... odd.

Maybe basilisk venom did that to you. He couldn't think of anyone who he had heard of who had survived basilisk venom in their blood, though.


Harry blinked and looked over. A small, blonde girl with wide blue eyes looked at him. "Er... hi?"

"You saved Ginny Weasley," she told him. She seemed to think this over, and looked around Harry's head like there were other things there. Then her eyes landed on his arm. "And you met a basilisk." Her head tilted and she smiled. "Thank you for saving my only friend, Harry Potter."

"Oh, err, you're welcome. You're a friend of Ginny's then?"

"We are neighbors. I spend time with the Weasley's, usually when father is out tracking animals or stories."

Her eyes wandered again. Harry was too tired still to do more than lay there while the girl talked to him. He wasn't bothered by her, but she seemed a bit more mystical than the average witch. "What's your name?"

She considered him. "Luna Lovegood." Her head turned away a bit. "The other Ravenclaws call me Loony Lovegood."

Harry frowned. He guessed she was odd in general then. It didn't make sense that she didn't have any friends, though. She didn't seem terrible. "You said Ginny's your only friend?" At her gentle shrug his friend deepened. "I doubt she was a good friend this year, given everything she went through..."

"The wrackspurts would agree with you," Luna confirmed, looking at him again. Harry didn't think too much about that. "I haven't made any friends in my year. They think me too silly."

Harry felt his chivalry rise up in him. "Well then, we should be friends." He didn't have many friends either, he realized with a start. Why was that? "I don't have many friends either, Luna."

Her eyes were as large as Dobby's. "Friends?" Before he realized it, the girl hugged him tight. He patted her back and heard her breath get a little ragged. "I would love to be friends with you, Harry Potter." [7:24 PM] She pulled away and Harry smiled awkwardly at her. "Err, Harry is fine, Luna. We're friends, after all."

She smiled at him and looked around his head. "The nargles are going away..." Her smile got brighter. "Who are your other friends?"

Harry smiled and eased back into the hospital bed. They talked for a while after that. Harry found that while she had odd phrases he didn't completely understand, she was nice. Talking to Luna was very easy.

"What will you be doing over the summer?" he finally asked after learning more about her mother and father and life in Ottery St Catchpole.

"We're going to track down rare animals, of course!" She swayed in her chair, a dreamy look coming over her. When she turned her attention back to Harry, she stilled. "Would you like to join us? You have experience with magical animals already, and father has never known a Parslemouth."

"Oh, err, sure Luna, that would be lovely."

The hospital doors opened and Hermione and Ron rushed in, followed by more Weasleys. The Weasleys looked questioningly at Harry but didn't ask about Luna's presence. "I packed your things, Harry," Hermione told him.

They caught him up with some of the gossip going around the castle about him. Luna looked at Harry. "If you're not doing better yet, Harry, you should ask to stay longer in the Hospital Wing. Unless your muggle family has access to magical medicine?"

Harry blinked again, then beamed at her. That was a great idea! "Thank you, Luna, I'm actually not feeling 100% yet. I might have to miss the ride back home."

As if on queue, Madam Pomfrey bustled into the infirmary. "Ever popular, Mr. Potter," she greeted.

Harry schooled his features and tried his best to look uncomfortable and tired, if not sickly and drained. He gave her a weak smile, squinting at her. "And how are you feeling? Ready to go to the leaving feast?"

Harry pouted and closed his eyes. "I'm actually not feeling very well, Madam Pomfrey," he lied. Then he shivered. "I'm a bit hot, and tingly. Do you think it's from the basilisk venom?"

Her eyes squinted at him, as if trying to determine if this were a lie or not. "Perhaps... better be safe than sorry, at least. I'll talk to the Headmaster and figure out what we are to do with you. You all, say your goodbyes! There's a feast to attend!"

"Goodbye, mate," Ron said, hugging him. Harry was surprised by the affection. "Thanks for saving Ginny," he whispered.

Harry patted his back. "What's a best mate for?"

Hermione hugged him too, attempting to squeeze his lungs right out of him. "Please, Harry, do your best to get better. And listen to Madam Pomfrey!"

The twins and Percy also hugged him and thanked him. Harry was surprised by Percy's display of emotion. What an odd day.

As they left, he relaxed his head. He did feel a bit peckish. But, at least he wouldn't have to go home right away. Merlin knows Dudley was an ass after his last year at Smeltings. He had had lots more time to perfect his stick swinging. A thought struck him then- he couldn't swing around his wand at home, but that didn't mean he couldn't do any magic, right?