
Trying too hard

"None of that worked, you're terrible at advice, why do I even listen to you?"

Luc adopted an affronted look. "That is factually incorrect Harry, I'm very good at advice."

"My Friday night plans to the contrary." Harry grumbled morosely dropping his chin onto his bag and slumping over the library table.

"Alright mate, what happened?"

"I did what you said, down to the amount of aftershave and she just laughed and kept talking about her stupid history essay due next week."

Luc's brow furrowed, genuine confusion marring his features, as he took it in. It should have worked.

"Okay, give me the run down, walk me through it."

So Harry launched a retelling of his disastorous attempts at making a move on Fleur the night before. Luc listened attentively, up to a point, and then he was shaking his head with a dawning look of realization that ground Harry's tale to a halt.

"What?" He bit out, glaring at his friend.

"Mate, mate, mate," the blonde was shaking his head, all good humored eye rolls and smug understanding. "Of course it didn't work, you didn't tell me it was Fleur we were wooing, that'll never work on her." His tone implied that he was graciously leaving the word 'obviously' off the end of his sentence.

"I think it was implied, idiot." Harry snapped, his embarrassment and despair at the whole situation sharpening his tongue.

"Look Harry," Luc said, managing an almost serious facade for a moment. "All that stuff I told you... that was for picking up girls yaknow? Like down at the pub on a saturday night, not for her."

"I fail to see the distinction." He said flatly, honestly he could see what Luc was getting at, but he didn't want to give his friend the satisfaction. Asking for help the first time was bad enough.

"Look mate, girls out at the bar dont want to get picked up. Not really. They're out having a good time with friends, that doesn't mean they aren't open to it, but there's all kinds of creeps out there, so they won't give you the time of day unless you're the right guy. That's what I thought you were after you know? Just a casual night out. But Fleur... well..."

He trailed off and Harry nodded glumly.

"Is practically a different species, yeah, I know. I'll just crawl back into the engineering annex and die there." Luc was giving him the oddest look, one he was actually able to make note of despite his severely depressed and hopeless state.

"Look man, I can't really help you land that plane, but it's not because Fleur's out of your league or something, though that is true, it's not why I can't help."

"Because im helpless," he agreed, "you can say it."

"No dingus, its because Fleur's in love with you and I spend all my time running full sprint from that four letter word. It's beyond my wheelhouse."

"Don't be stupid." Harry dismissed, not acknowledging that bubbly elation that sprung forth in his stomach at his friends words.

"Am I?" Luc grinned, and his momentary sincerity fell away to his usual base smugness. He jerked his head out the library window and Harry followed his gaze to the beautiful woman in question.

She was walking down the hall, and as she did she pulled the gaze of nearly everyone she passed, as always. Just as usual, she was supremely unaware of her effect on the crowd, she walked, unhurried but with purpose, head held high. He had the pleasure of seeing the moment she caught sight of the two of the in the library, and her face lit up as she waved.

"Holy shit."

"I told you mate."