
Veela Battle Hymn

Behold! Bold Fleur and Valiant Harry stand against the tide of darkness: Hear me! A daughter of Stratim! Hear! A son of the Storm! Thunder in our footsteps, we come from afar! Dangers we braved, history never forgot us! Over our shoulder a fate grim hangs. Desolation we leave, wrathful hordes we face! Pride and glory within our bosoms beat! A feeling noble and strong within us awakes! Heaven’s blue expanse greets our sight! Here, on a peak, Blood shall water the grass! Here, a monument huge! To an immortal deed! A legend gleams! Stand fast! Stem the onslaught! Spattered with blood, retaliate, death defy! We fight! We Love! And we kill! Our lives burn hot and bright! And should we die, in honour we rise! Heavens tremble! Daughters of Stratim! Heroes bound! We go to War!