


“I made a friend today. He was nice and we played lots. He even shared his snack with me. Would you like to meet him?”

“We fought today. He played with the other girl and ignored me. I hate him. I won’t let him meet you.”

“I saw him today in the yard with the other kids. He has made new friends.”


“She’s growing so fast. I hate it. I hate it so much. I wish she remained the small bébé.”

“I cried today because of something the other mothers said about me. They said I was a bad mother. That I shouldn’t let my daughter play with their children.”

“We moved again. It’s been three years now since she started school. She’s struggling with it. I can see it.”


“I’ve made another new friend. Her name’s Francine and she has blonde hair like mine. She also likes to draw flowers. We’d go and find a flower and draw it. We’d compete and sometimes I’d win. I lost most, though.”

“I started fifth grade today. It’s strange. The boys all stare at me. Wanting my attention, doing the funniest things like bring me flowers, give me sweets, open doors for me. It’s nice.”

“Maman looked at me funny today. She held my face staring at me. I could see her eyes grow wet.”


“It’s our anniversary and I forgot about it. I almost didn’t come to see you. Elise was the one who remembered. I brought you your favourite book. It’s the one Hermione gave you when we first met.”

“Maman spoke of you with such passion it made me jealous. I broke her favourite vase just to make her shut up. I could see she wanted to slap me but she didn’t.”

“It’s been six years now. Happy Birthday, my love.”


“‘Salut’, I just started my French class this week and it’s been a breeze. Thank Merlin I’m half French. It makes it all so simple. It’s also given Maman and I something to do together.”

“Francine has left me for a boy and I don’t know what to do. It hurts so much. It hurts so much and I can’t bear this pain. It stings. Why me?”

“We had to move again because of me. Maman had to apologize to the headmistress and pay for the damages I’ve caused. She was angry. So very angry but not with me. Not really, I think. It’s a Veela thing, probably.”


“Elise is growing older, taller, and wiser and soon she’ll learn to be on her own. What will we do then? What will become of us then?”

“Apolline visited today, again. She wouldn’t stop talking about it. Pressuring me to...I won’t. I will never relent. I will not. I promise.”

“I found a nice place at the côte d’azure, a small house with a terrasse. It reminded me of our first date at Hogwarts.The time when we walked along the Lake. It’s not as cold but I felt just as in love as I did then.


“I have a girlfriend, can you believe it? Her name is Flora. I know, the irony is razorsharp I could cut myself on it. I like her a lot. I think you would too.”

“Apolline invited me to the Veela convent last week and I never felt as out of place as I did during that trip. The other girls were much prettier than I am. So elegant and beautiful. Like Maman in her pictures with you. I miss you.”

“I graduated today. I’ll become an Auror, like you. Maman is livid but, you know what, I’m off age and can do as I like. Are you proud of me?”


“She caught her first criminal and is being awarded for her bravery in combat. Everyone loves her. Nymph- Tonks is so proud. I’m so proud. You would be so proud. She has your eyes.”

“She’s fallen pregnant. Don’t ask me how but she’s so excited and so am I. A grandchild of our own, can you believe it? Flora asked her to marry her. They’ll get married on Yule. Just like we did.”

“Apolline has gotten sick. Papa doesn’t know how long she has but it’s not looking good. She looked so frail and weak. I couldn’t look at her. Oh, I couldn’t look at her.”


“She’s such a happy child and she has my- our eyes. It’s almost impossible to ignore how much she looks like you. I’m just glad her hair isn’t as wild as yours.”

“I won’t be able to come much anymore. We’re moving somewhere across the ocean and aparating won’t be possible at such distance. I’ll come see you as soon as possible again. Flora and Harriet send their love.”


“It’s 25 years now. Our silver wedding. You bought me a nice necklace. It’s a real beauty and I’ll cherish it forever. I love you.”


“Harriet had her first school day last week and I fret every second of it. I still haven’t told her about her Veela heritage. Maman wasn’t very forthcoming about it when I was young and I can’t ask Apolline anymore.”


“I’m tired. I’m so exhausted and worn out all the time. I think I have the same sickness as my mother had. Something with the nerves. I can’t summon my fae fire any longer.”


“Maman would have liked to see you but she’s at the hospice being taken care of. I sold the house. Our house at the sea. I cried so much. I think the sales contract got smudged a bit.”


“It’s time. I’m coming home, my love.”


“Harriet is growing so fast. She’s my petite bébé and I don’t want her to grow even more. I still try to catch any opportunity to carry her.”


“Flora and I are getting divorced. She’s been seeing someone else in the late nights at the office. I’ve won custody over Harriet. As a Veela child, it was obvious.”


“Hi, I’m Harriet. Your granddaughter. I like sweets and taking walks along the sea. Maman has bought us a house. She said she’d grown up in it. I’ve seen it. It’s a nice home.”

“I just started 4th grade. It’s mostly boring stuff. Studying and learning new things. I’m not very smart like Maman or you, grandmother, but I do ok. I hate French, though.”

“I’ve made a friend. A boy. He said he liked me and went down on one knee and kissed my hand.”


“Harriet just got her first job as a defence professor at Beauxbatons. She’s so good at it too. It’s in her blood. We Potters never back down, after all.”


“Maman got hurt in a raid and they say that she won’t wake up. I don’t know what to do. I’m all alone. What do I do now?”

“I miss you, Maman. I wish we had had more time.”

Thomas Granger & Leslie Weasley

“This is it. This is the place.”

“The infamous Potters. Can’t believe Professor Potter disappeared. She was such an exceptional teacher.”

“They all were. Each one of their lot was famous for something.”

“Harriet Potter, youngest duelling champion in history.”

“Elise Potter, youngest head Auror with most arrests.”

“Fleur Potter, a loving wife and mother. Mistress of Enchanting.”

“And him.”

“Aye, Harry James Potter, the man who survived the darkest hour. A shame he had to die so young.”

“There won’t be a family like them anymore.”

“No, I don’t believe so.”