
Voldie Bella

After Azkaban break out

Bellatrix and Voldemort alone after short gathering

“Master, thank you so much Master. Thank you for coming for us “ “you of all people should know Bellatrix, Lord Voldemort rewards loyalty and you lot have proved that. In fact I am today very pleased and I remember I had promised you a wish 15 years ago. Come asj Bellatrix what do you want? “ Her ashen and gaunt face lit up with a smile morphed. It would have been beautiful smile if it hadn’t been her years in Azkaban. “ Master will you really? I am not worthy I.. We failed you” tears started to form around her eyes. Voldemort stared at her “ I said you have shown your worth so make your wish Idon’t have whole night Bellatrix. “ “I had always wanted a child if my own A powerful child. Master if you want fulfill my wish please grant me favor to be mother if your child”(edited)

His eyes widened “you know Bellatrix I can’t do that, you are wife of equally worthy Rudolphus I can’t grant you favor while knowing that. Its not t that Lord Voldemort has turned moral but even I can’t overlook sacrifices done by you or him or any other Azkaban inmates” “You don’t have to worry about that Master, Rudy and I were never in love we married out to fulfill our contract. In fact you could say your goals bought us together we became friends and then partners fir raids. We tried to establish our relationship few times but it never set tone. So we decided it was not worth it rather enjoy what we have than something that never there“ “Is that so? If it’s truth Bellatrix I have no qualms about your request but you will have to be ready physically to bear child. Your current condition leaves much to be desired so get fit. Given my knowledge on human anatomy it would require you about an year to be ready. “ Tears, yes Tears if Happiness freely flew out “Thank you Master. Thank you so much “ “Leave and careful with tears it would seem Azkaban has broken you” “No Master I am just Happy “ and she left Voldemort stared at entrance and wondered why he didn’t get angry at her tears. Why seeing those tears made him happy? Why on thought of child his heart missed somebeat.? Why? Was potter’s blood effecting him?