
Walking in Twilight

Part 1

They met in the hallway, as usual, an almost desert part of the Temple, a single glance, a single look, was enough for them to communicate.

One hour.

Our room.

It was an abandoned training room, probably forgotten even by the systems.

But not by them.

As Harry pressed her against the wall and kissed her as if he was a man dying from thirst and she the sweetest of waters, Fleur found herself grateful for it.

They didn’t have much time, so their secret meetings were almost always intense, physical, silent.

Save for the sounds they couldn’t help making.

“Harry…” she grunted as he kissed the place between her neck and the collarbone, biting on it, the bastard.

But she knew today they would talk, they had been on this song and dance, dating, as they took to calling, for long enough that she could tell.

Soon, when they had dealt with their ‘baser urges’ Harry looked at her, reticent and hesitant, and Fleur inclined her head.

“You can always talk to me, Harry, I hoped after all we’ve been through…”

“I know, Fleur, I know, it’s just...my Master.”

Fleur’s eyebrows raised, and she bit the inside of her mouth.

“What about him? Does he know...about us?”

Harry snorted, “I already told you I think he knows, Master Dooku is too perceptive.”

“Well, since you aren’t telling me we’re leaving the Order then, what about it?”

Harry’s eyes widened at her declaration, but he soon recovered, “Well, the truth is, he has been thinking of leaving the Order himself, after...Galidraan.” He closed his eyes, as if fighting off the memories, and Fleur caressed his face.

“Harry, it wasn’t your fault, or even his...the Council...” she stopped when Harry placed his hand over hers and squeezed it lightly.

“I know and he knows it too, but, it’s even more than that, I don’t think Master Dooku believes in the Jedi Order anymore, especially after what happened with Qui Gon.”

Another painful exhale, and Fleur’s other hand reached up and began caressing his face.

“I am sorry Fleur, I know you have your own problems...”

Fleur scowled, “Harry, I know that man was like family to you, and compared to that, me arguing with my Master all the time isn’t much to look at, now tell me why we stopped so you could tell me a member of the High Council is thinking of leaving the Order.”

He snorted, a small smile playing on his lips, and brought her closer.

“Because I am thinking of going with him.” he turned his face and missed the glint that entered her eyes.

“You are?” Her voice wasn’t as shocked as he expected.

“Yes, I agree with him on many points, but, Fleur, I don’t want to pressure you-”

“Would he take another Apprentice?”

Harry looked at her in surprise, and she laughed at his expression.

“Harry, you know I never fit in, and unlike you, I don’t have a supportive Master, and...my skills with the Force aren’t as appreciated as yours.”

“Now, that’s not true.”

“Harry, my Master is almost kicking me out of the Order, in fact, I think your Master stopped her from doing it.” She stopped talking when her eyes got moist and her voice broke a little, after a few moments of silence Harry brushed off a tear, “I am one of the best duelists, I can lift stones even some Knights can’t, and I can read minds from across a ship, but this stupid, emotional thing she can’t see past of, and it’s all she can talk about, I don’t how long I can take it, and I doubt she will recommend me to the stupid trials unless I become a-an emotionless doll like her!”

Harry hugged her tighter, and began caressing her silver tresses, not so cordial thoughts about Master Luminara in his mind.

“I will talk with him, it’s just, I-I have my doubts, about leaving…”

“Harry, I overheard Master Drallig talking the other day, and he said you’re one of the best in the Order, Knights included.” Harry sighed and Fleur scowled.

“You’re past hearing what those stupid, scornful little Padawans say about you, they are just jealous, and what I am saying is that we will be fine, I know the Galaxy is a dangerous place, but together. “ she interlaced their fingers, “we can do it.”

She felt him nod, and smiled, “Harry, without the Order, we won’t have to hide our love, or ourselves, we can finally be who we are, no Code to shackle us, I am sure Master Dooku could teach you techniques you couldn’t even imagine, and together, we can master them.”

Another nod, and Fleur closed her eyes, “And Harry, we will be able to have a family.”

As Harry tightened their embrace, Fleur knew she had convinced him.

She hoped he could convince his Master.