

Harry walked through the annoyingly narrow corridors of Gringotts. He hated being called in on such short notice, but when you’re still a rookie curse breaker, you don’t exactly have the clout to refuse. Boy who lived or not. Harry stopped at an office, one belonging to the goblin he usually got his assignments from, Burdock. He raised a hand to knock and paused when the gruff voice of his superior called from inside.

“Potter. Enter.”

He pushed open the door and entered the room. It was extravagant in the clear display of wealth with its polished mahogany furniture and gaudy levels of gold. He was surprised to find Burdock in conversation with another goblin, one he didn’t recognize. Though from the body language, the other goblin was higher up in the food chain than Burdock.

“Sit,” instructed Burdock.

Harry took one of the two heavy leather seats. “Burdock, sir.” He looked towards the other goblin who simply stared at him with calculating eyes.

“Tell me,” started Burdock. “What do you know about Yamatai?”

“Lost island kingdom…” said Harry. “Believed to be off the coast of Japan, the line of succession was matriarchal, the Sun Queen. First of which was Himiko–”

Burdock raised a hand to stop him. “It’s enough for now.”

The other goblin began. “We have been searching for Yamatai for many years Mr. Potter, and recently we’ve come to learn that a muggle university believes they might know where it is. We’ve decided to fund the expedition on the condition that one of our own would be joining their group.”

“Which brings us to why you’re here,” continued Burdock. “You’re the only curse breaker available who is both comfortable enough amongst muggles and skilled enough for the assignment.” Burdock held out a roll of parchment.

“What about Adams?” asked Harry, accepting the roll.

“Miss Adams is on a different job.”

“When do I meet the rest of this group?”

“Friday, be here at one. You’ll accompany one of our representatives who deals with our muggle interests.”

Harry nodded as he stood. “Will that be all sir?”

Burdock nodded, “you may go.”

He was stopped before leaving by the other goblin. “I’d recommend caution Mr. Potter. There’s no guarantee that you will find Yamatai– We are taking quite the gamble here. But if they are right, and you do find the island. Take heed. Himiko in her time was an incredibly powerful witch.