
A creature does not crave love

The premise is actually how I had considered writing my Fleur but jettisoned it for obvious reasons - aka ‘tragedy,’ ew. However, the thought kept percolating in the back of my head into this. Fleur is a human and a Veela, two dichotomous versions of her nature swirling about internally. The human loves Harry with all her heart, has been married to him for multiple years. The Veela side of her has no interest in love. Instead, her natural instincts urge her to mate with him in Veela form - the only way a Veela can conceive. However, the mated human male, after sleeping with a Veela, can’t handle the allure at such potent, intimate levels. No matter how mentally strong you are, how allure-resistant, it all crumbles before the croon of the Veela whose magic absolutely, without fail, changes the wizard that night. He becomes enthralled utterly and can never ‘awaken’ from that stupor again. He can be normal, yes. Go to work, act typically around others. But he can never again deny her anything. Even the human Fleur, who weeps after the Veela finally wrenches control from her one night. She sobs as the man she finally found who could resist the allure is forever shackled to it. Now, she must be incredibly careful with how and what she asks of him, even the slightest, subtlest command will be followed. Fleur’s heart breaks knowing the strong, independent man she loved is still there, for everyone else. But forever dead to her.