
A Different Legacy

On that fateful night, Lily dies first to Voldemort’s wand, having fallen after a fierce assault to defend her baby. Voldemort offered James the option to live. There would be other women, of worthier blood and more, pureblooded, children if he would just join him and let him kill little Harry. But James refused and was slain. His courageous sacrifice triggered the protections his parents had layered on Harry and Voldemort’s killing curse was reflected back at him.

Dumbledore recognized the magic covering Harry like a comforting blanket, the echo of a father’s love. There were no truly close blood relatives to whom he could tie the protective enchantments, but the Potters have for centuries lived on the same land where they toiled, shed sweat, tears, and blood. They had been the caretakers of the Welsh Dragon Reserve for centuries, having lived there, in relative harmony with the dragons even before the Reserve got established. Though cross-breeding such as the rumours suggested, was truly impossible, some dragon magic had undeniably mixed with Potter magic over the ages.

And it is the Reserve where Dumbledore placed Harry in the end, the land whose magic resonated closely with Harry’s own. And so Harry grew up among the dragon handlers, having multitudes of adoptive uncles and aunts, becoming an unofficial mascot. He truly was loved by all the inhabitants on the reserve, of both the human and the scaly variety. Since he could walk, Harry wandered dragon lairs, played with hatchlings and was watched over by the dragon mothers. As he grew older, he had many experiences unique to him. He flew with a dragon when he was five. He helped with his first hatching when he was eight. He grew up truly bilingual, learning both English and the Dragon Sign Language that the handlers had developed to communicate with their charges. [1:30 PM] Harry comes to Hogwarts more knowledgeable about the wizarding world, a bold, decisive child, a boisterous, hot-blooded and playful boy. He is warm, attracts friends and makes rivals easily. His magic, though, reacts much more wildly than the other students. Perhaps only Seamus could match him when it came to explosions. Of all the magical elements, fire came easiest at Harry’s call. He was at home in the air. But, as friendly as he was, his ire, when roused, was a sight to behold. The young Malfoy may be called after a dragon, but he quickly learned that his magic and prowess could not compete with the wrath of a dragon, even an adoptive one.

Harry’s relationship with Fleur Delacour started as many of Harry’s activities went. Loudly. Fire was involved. Both of their friends often ran for cover for when these two fiery souls met, a spark jumped between them. With identically short tempers and their passions running high, their relationship shall never be boring or ordinary.