
A Fortunate Meeting

Part 1

The setting is a Science Fantasy, there was no Statute of Secrecy and magicals are often employed by various countries. Where technology proves insufficient, it is supplemented by magic. Wars for resources are much rarer now and humanity is exploring the Solar System. Their findings are shocking, discovering undeniable proof of intelligent extraterrestrial life in the form of a pirate base hidden near Pluto. With a combination of magic and sheer numbers, the pirates are subdued and interrogated. Their technology is analysed and reverse engineered, including their method of FTL travel. Space becomes much smaller as Humanity spreads to the stars, discovering new systems. Colonies are built. And what drives Humanity forward? The information gained from the pirate computers looks bleak. While it is possible to relatively safely jump from the gravity well of one star to another (all honour to the poor souls lost in the first experiments, wherever they are), it is still slow. For longer distances, it is necessary to enter the Hyperspace, either through a naturally forming jump point or through an artificial one. But Hyperspace is dangerous, the beings living there, while formless, seem to have malicious intentions towards the inhabitants of our dimension. What was thought to be cases of destructive madness among the magicals was found out to be cases of possession. And not all civilizations are friendly either. Harry Potter is a young officer of special forces, tasked with combatting incursions of the energy being (colloquially known as daemons) into human space. Possessin sharp mind, magical talent and the best training available, he is formidable, but it is his sharp senses, able to predict daemonic incursions, that are the most valued by his superiors. Right now he is helping direct a task force in pursuit of a significant daemonic threat.

Part 2

Fleur Delacour is a Veela, a species that developed (Or was seeded? Such thoughts are actively suppressed by the government.) on a distant world. Possessing a 10 to 1 skewed birth ration of females to males, the society is matriarchal. Females are the hunters, the workers and the warriors, while the males are the thinkers and philosophers. All members of the species possess at least latent psionic powers, able to sense others, even influence their thinking, but some develop such talents much further. Some hone their minds to such a degree they are able to influence matter with their thoughts. A special caste of warriors was created, all honing this talent to an extreme degree. These silent Spectres are able to crush a tank with a thought. Others can sense much further than the rest of the species, the Farseers are often trained in leadership and strategy, their abilities a boon on a battlefield. And rarest of all, some are able to access a foreign energy, twisting reality as they wish, the Warpers can destroy entire armies. Their technology advanced, their society encompasses numerous worlds. But not all is well. The Veela have been locked in a bitter struggle with their newfound neighbours, a transinsectoid civilization bent on aggressive expansion and subjugation of others, not to mention daemonic incursions. Fleur is a young Farseer, commanding an Escort Cruiser division in her Strike Group. All had to be sacrificed for the war effort. All who possessed the talent were drafted into the military. Successful warriors received mating rights, their children, it was hoped, would be a powerful asset to the cause. But now, Fleur Delacour had a bad feeling, but she couldn’t manage to convince her superiors that they were about to fall into a trap. Their next goal, land their ground forces on a new planet, survey it and mark it for expansion.

Part 3

The Task Force guided by Harry Potter found their quarry, but it was too late. The ships carrying daemon possessed and daemonsworn fanatics were already attacking, but their target were ships of an unknown design. That, however, was of secondary importance. The battle was short, having caught the daemonic forces by surprise. The unknown ships proved sleek and agile, their weapons powerful. With the last daemonic ship disabled, however, there was still a sense of unease. It was clear to Harry, there were more daemon forces on the planet. That was confirmed by the desperate sounding message they have received from the unknown ships. The crew displayed on the screen was a shock, both startlingly similar to humans yet clearly different. This, however, made communication easier. It was clear, they had forces on the planet and were about to be ambushed. The human ground forces made a quick drop, their rapid deployment what saved the beleaguered Veela forces. And so two civilizations have met, their fates about to be changed. And the centerpoint of that meeting? Harry Potter and Fleur Delacour.