
A Starlight Evening

Harry is setting up the evening picnic he had planned for his first date with the trophy of Slytherin, Daphne Greengrass. Little did he know, she had only agreed as a school kid prank, due to a bet she had lost earlier in the year.

Harry has everything set up, a vintage wine from the kitchen elves, fancy deserts, and a three course meal. He waits an hour, no Daphne.

He resigns himself to eating alone, believing he should have figured out she would have stood him up.

What he doesn't know is that Fleur is on a moonlight stroll through the forest. She needed to clear her mind, but as she was walking past, she noticed a candlelit area inside. She steps closer, and what does she see but one Harry Potter sitting alone at a picnic clearly designed for two.

"Can I join you monsieur?" Fleur inquires as she steps into the clearing, moonlight reflecting off her hair.

"Sure" Harry said distractedly, not really paying attention.

Fleur followed his gaze, looking upward.

"The stars are amazing tonight" she sighed, full of content.