
A Wand for Simmy

At the start of Gold Morning, Khepri assimilates all of Eden's Shards into her Matrix and forms a Proto-Entity. Including High Priest, though the current Shard-Host is messing up that link something FIERCE. During Gold Morning, Khepri, being currently assimilated in a very unpleasant, mind-breaking way by her power, remembers she needs to do SOMETHING with the Simurgh because the manipulative bitch can literally end the world with two pieces of goddamn string if you let her.

So she dials up a random dimension, cuts off all of High Priest's Links to the Cores, and yeets Simmy to a random dimension.

Surprise surprise, it's HP. Whodathunk?

Fic starts a bit before Philosopher's stone, with Simmy (now in 11 Y.O cherubic little girl format, sans non-euclidian wings) breaks into dumbledor's office and "accepts" herself into Hogwarts.

Key points:

  • During the entire fic, Simmy does not speak a single word - the closest she gets is an increadibly smug "Humph!" which should be used VERY sparingly to dramatic effect.
  • Flowerpot (Duh!): Simmy decides to ship because 1. The Simurgh Tracks ALL possible avenues of Romance, and her Shipping Chart is OMNIDIMENSIONAL. 2. She considers her and Fleur as Birb!Sisters and honor dictates she must hook a sister up. Best Zizster.
  • The entire fic needs to feel like Simmy's taking the shit here, since she could theoretically mind-rape everything into it's proper shape or telekinetically blender all opposition, but it's less fun that way.
  • Using palpable Simurgh Powers should be done very sparingly: Examples are - mind-raping Diary!Mort to squeeze out his secrets, Making friends with the Big!Snek because honestly, not enough fics save the basilisk in my opinion, and Fetus!Voldemort getting a 15-foot, levitating, alabaster white, silver eyed, VERY SMUG surprise at the end of the 4th year because he made a run at out ship, only to find out that his small, undeveloped pirate brain has confused a merchant vessel and the Soviet Battlecruiser Admiral Nakhimov.
  • Simmy communicates entirely via Gestures (That occasionally take a turn to the lewd), Eyebrow wiggles, Smug expressions, and a small black board and chalk that she levitates around with her.

I think it'd be pretty fire. [10:19 AM] It's name shall be - a Wand for Simmy. [10:20 AM] Bonus points if Simmy carries around a wand with one of her feathers are 'accidentally' spooks the shit out of olivander.