
Adorkable Veela

Many may think they know the enigmatic, talented beauty that is Fleur Delacour. Yet, they do not Truly know her.

For there exists a hidden side to Fleur. A side she has long kept suppressed, a side she knows would bring her to ruin if it ever was revealed. A side she had accepted only a few years ago, with the help of her lover and mate, Harry Potter.

You see, Fleur Delacour is a geek.

Not only is she a geek, but she is a comic geek.

The year is 1998. Fleur and Harry are in the US, attending a Comic Con. Fleur has let her geeky side out in full force, while still somehow maintaining an aura of jaw dropping sexiness.

Dressed in an Iron man T shirt that is just a bit too small on her, a pair of red yoga pants that seem to keep Harry's eyes constantly spraying back to her delicious derriere, and loaded to the brim with merch and stuff, she’s a far sight from the Fleur that most know. She’s bouncing around like a bunny high on weed, eyes darting here and there, dragging Harry behind her as they explore the convention.

The way she squeals and fangirls over the comics has Harry wondering exactly when his heart is going to give out, because Fleur, as she is now, cannot be classified as anything other than lethally cute.

At one point, he says something slightly dismissive about her favorite series, and Fleur whirls on him in a rage. She lays into him with all the power of a pissed, Fangirling, geeky veela, berating him and promoting her series in the same breath.

Harry finds it incredibly cute.

Meanwhile he is biting his lip, seriously struggling to keep from either bursting out laughing, or picking her up and snogging her senseless because of how adorable she looks.