

Hagrid saw a strange light, followed by the sound of a crash in the Forbidden Forest, he rushes out to check and finds some metal remains and smouldering ground. Near the centre of it all, is a strange almost slimy looking egg, even larger than a dragons egg.

The large man approached it, and nearly startled when the top opened. His curiosity and lack of common sense won out, and he peeked inside the egg. He noticed a pale white, arachnid looking creature inside.

"Ain't ye a cutie, but what are yer?"

Right then, the creature shot out of the egg, the last thing Hagrid saw were several legs stretched out, and hole opening at the bottom of the creature opening up.

Hours Later

Hagrid awoke with a groan, he turned over to find the creature laying dead on the ground, it's legs curled up in that way spiders do.

"What the bloody hell was that about?"

Feeling fine, Hagrid shrugged off the incident, he picked up the dead creature, best to take it with to figure out what it was.

Later that evening

Hagrid sat at the staff table, trying to do his best to impress the large Beauxbaton headmistress who'd arrived the night prior.

He took a bite of his roast beef, and coughed.

"Are you alright, monsieur 'Agrid?" asked Madame Maxime.

"Went down the wrong side is all," answered Hagrid.

He opened his mouth to speak, but immediately fell into a coughing fit. He grabbed his chest at the sudden intense pain, and tried to stand, knocking his chair down in the process. The sound of wood slamming against the ground, drew the Great Hall's attention to the staff table, and onto the coughing half-giant.

"Monseur 'Agrid!" Panicked Madame Maxime.

The Hogwart's resident healer forced her way to Hagrid's side, trying to offer what assistance she could, but Hagrid's pain only worsened. The man was screaming now.

"Merlin's Beard! There's sumthin' inside of him!" Exclaimed Barty Crouch Jr, nearly breaking his cover, as he stared at Hagrid with his enchanted eye.

Right then, Hagrid's back arched backwards, as he let loose a horrific scream of pain.

A creature burst from his chest in a spray of blood, and alien screeching sounds. The creature was pale, the colour of bone and looked like a strange eye-less snake.

Everyone was too shocked and horrified at what had occurred, giving the alien the opportunity to hastily make its escape. It was fast, very fast, and the few spells cast at it in an attempt to stop the creature, all missed.

Harry stood beside his friends, his face a mixture of shock, and horror, and sorrow as he stared at the now deceased form of his large friend.

Prefects and staff tried to conceal the dead body from the students, but it was too late. They'd all seen it.

What they hadn't seen.

Was the snake-like alien making its way to the dungeons, where the Slytherin's slept.

They also didn't see the the second egg. Which had fallen from the spacecraft, and now lay rested against the side of a fancy carriage. A beautiful blonde who sat at her desk, having skipped dinner, had no idea that a small arachnid alien was slowly crawling up the carriage side to her open window.