

Harry and Fleur have been together for a year now. The war was over and people were rebuilding and settling into their lives. Fleur studied charms And duelling under Flitwick while Harry was helping the various reconstruction efforts, his earnestness helping win him many friends as he helped them rebuild and enchant their homes. Though they both often came back to their shared appartment tired, the joy and solace they found in each other was wondrous.

It was summer, time of the solstice, and Harry convinces Fleur to come with him. They are merry, eat good food, dance with friends old and new.

And then Harry leads Fleur to one corner of the festival, among many other couples. Suddenly shy, he points to the table with multitudes of ribbons prepared. Fleur's eyes light up and she proceeds to kiss him thoroughly to many cheers of the audience.

They, among many other couples, take part in the handfasting ceremony, to be joined in matrimony for a year and a day.

Happy belated anniversary, Flowerpot server!