
Build a House, Plant a Tree

Harry and Fleur Potter, being relatively newly married, decide to build a new house for themselves, a home to call their own. Their friends and comrades help them get the building materials, but Fleur and Harry choose the spot and both also are the ones to build the house itself. Both adults are veterans of the War, yet martial magic isn’t their only forte and their friends, comrades and family are only too happy to lend a helping hand. Harry deftly wielded his wand when he prepared the foundations of the house. One of the elders who were present at their wedding came to bless the foundations and brought a gift from the enclave, an enchanted and blessed stone to be buried under the hearthstone of the new home, intended to bring luck and fertility to the couple.

Fleur then helped her husband with the framing, adding her graceful magic to his more rigid and forceful spells. Each part of the new house’s skeleton was heavily enchanted by the budding Charms Mistress.

Next came the walls and the roof, again the couple have entwined their magic, working in harmony, their magic, as their hearts, working as one. Each wall bore numerous enchantments and charms too, prepared to resist the elements and last for ages. Roof was put on with care, each roof tile bearing an enchanted runic inscription.

The rest was prepared with similar care and precision, furniture was prepared and moved in, until, finally, the new Potter House stood proudly and ready to receive guests. Under each corner of the house, there was a buried runestone with inscriptions praying to ancient gods for blessings and protection.

Now came another difficult task. Fleur took out the last gift from the Veela enclave, an oak sapling. Harry and Fleur both used their wands to create small incisions on their hands and smeared their blood on the precious gift while reciting the traditional chant, asking for luck and harmony in their marriage. The blood seemed to seep into the sapling without trace, yet both felt a profound change in their hearts and magic.

Now came the time to plant the sapling, close enough that it would, once fully grown, provide shade for the house’s inhabitants in their garden. After the planting, the somewhat sweating couple sat on the ground, embracing each other.

“We did a good job, my love,” Harry murmured while kissing the silvery crown of his wife’s head.

“In this ‘ouse, love will grow and blossom, mon Coeur.” Fleur whispered, tired, but elated.