
By your will it will be done, my Lord

Everyone Accepted I was 'The Chosen One,' No one stopped to think why that was so.

The Dark Lord's Equal.

People will see what ever they want to see, even when the truth is staring down at them.

The Triwizard tournament came and went, leaving disaster and a world at war in its wake. After a nightmarish experience at the graveyard, Fleur comes through for Harry and becomes his rock. It is by her care and her support that Harry comes out of the guilt of surviving the resurrection of Voldemort, it is by her warmth that he endured the next year of libel and personal attacks by the press and umbridge.

It is by the love he has for her that he is baited into a terrible situation. For you see, Harry Potter would do anything for the ones he love, and there is no one he loves more than Fleur Delacour.

He runs through dark winding corridors, his blood rushing through his ears, his heart screaming somewhere in this underground maze, her screams still resonated around in his head as she writhes in pain, her skin shifting and her voice turning into a sharp, pain filled cry.

He doesn't find her. He finds an empty corridor filled with lights, but not hers. Not his north star.

He is flanked by his two panting best friends, he tried to loose them on the way, to save them from this. If he was to lay down his life for Fleur, then so be it, but he wouldn't sacrifice no one else.

thats when shades stars to materialize out of the dark. They ask for something, but there is only one answer for him.

Where is her.

They laugh. Their laugh is their sentence.

No answer comes from him but for an exploding curse, and then another. The first two fall like flies, completely unaware of what happened, the others fight back, but his rage is so that he doesn't care, he shoots and screams, and he should have died, but he is not alone, and so he doesn't.

The dust settles and the question remains unanswered.

Where is she.

His friends pull and plead, but he doesn't relent. He won't stop until he knows .

He is not the only one with friends.

The lights around him shatter under the assault of those who seek vengeance, but he hears a sentence over the violence. 'Do not touch him. He is the Dark Lord's'.

Bad choice. He runs and screams and fights and rages, his ferocity fueled by pain and despair, his body shielded by his friends. His men.

In the end there is no one to stop him, they all fall, dead or injured, and he cuts through the leaping shadows, until the deepest black comes to face him.

And he asks, where is she? And he laughs.

And now he is calm, for if he does he would find her at last.

He breathes and casts the first spell.

But he is no match for him, he is stronger than any man, faster, powerful. He screams, his throat ripping, unable to express the depth of his feeling, and his body rips too, teared by the heat of hate, the sharp edge of malice and ambition. He is slowly cut down, his being replaced by another, as he did years before to the one that stood in front of him.

The world is slow around him. He can nay feel, nor hear, he is half here, half there, and in that moment, he sees a flash of gold and silver. Relieved, he closes her eyes, and with a smile, drops her wand.

The world gets enveloped in dark and he hears a cry that calls for him, but he know not where. He knows who, that voice is engraved on his soul, there is no doubt there.

He wakes, days later. He sees very little, nothing more than spots of bright light. But he is not scared, he can feel her. A fire that burns with the safety of home, the passion of love. She is here, next to him. And that is enough.

It was all a trap.

It's weeks until he is recovered enough to understand, until his mind is sound enough to comes to grip with all that happened. He had been fooled. His friends were dead. Fleur stood by his bedside, her magnificence marred by his stupidity.

He had made her less than she was, and he cried in a guilt that would consume a star.

He pushes her away, he is pulled away from the open window by the strength of a single arm and his heart revels and he bemoans.

I will always be whole as long as I have you, she says, and he cried until he is spent.

Voldemort is alive and gaining power, his loses in the battle equaled his own. Two dead liutenants, his most trusted mangled, and he severely wounded, yet his grip spreads and the whole of the magical community can feel it.

Harry stands again, strong and jaded, nursed back from the beyond by his most trusted. He is confronted with word written on stone.

The dark lord's equal.

He can see it. He could not before, but after this he can. And he know what the power is. He was saved by her one already.

He asks, the very act insulting to her. He should not need to ask. She is with him, for this, and anything else, and if she can only be his left hand, then that is what she will become.

The war ends with the sound of a body hitting the ground. The hooded men lay their wands on the floor, shaking, fearful, for they have seen the interplay of drive and fire, and by the hands of the saviour, both the right and the left, the dark was extinguished, as mundane in its ending as any other life ended.

Legends were born from the ashes of tyranny. But this was all lies, for the dark did not die, it only set.

And it would rise again.

Few in knew this, for secrecy was imperative, but in a dark and windy autumn night, under a moon as blinding as the light of the saviours, a group of six kneeled against two figures that stood close enough to each other as to meld into one.

Whispers filled with intent left shaded lips, and the kneeling ones answered.

"By your will it will be done, my Lord."

Tldr: when the horcruxs are imposible to find, Harry looses way more on the DOM and the war makes him spiral into a reflexion of Tom, recruiting a group of people to find and kill Tom once and for all. The Dark Lord's equal, even if his aim is the opposite

Prompt Notes

  • Fleur helping Harry after the trauma of the ressurection and the trouble of the year 5
  • The vision voldemort used to lure him to the department of misteries being of Fleur
  • Harry trying to go alone to avoid another situation like Cedric but not managing to loose Ron and Hermione
  • When he doesn't find Fleur but the deatheaters he flies off the handle in a bit of a suicide attack, surviving only because of the help of his friends and the orders from Voldemort of not harming him
  • When Voldy arrives he leads Harry to believe that Fleur is dead and so he fights seeking to die and join her. His pride doesn;t let him just surrender, but the fight is so one sided that it doesn't matter.
  • When he drops, Fleur arrives and fights Voldemort off, loosing her right arm in the process, and likely only surviving because of the rest of the order's help.
  • He wakes up weeks later to find out ROn and Hermione died fighting alongside him and Fleur lost an arm because of him
  • He grieves and crumbles under the guilt and attempts to yeet himself out of a window. Fleur stops him and tells him that she doesn't blame him.
  • He asks for help in the fight against Voldemort, and she accepts, becoming to him something like Bella was to Vold
  • They manage to kill voldemort in more or less the timeframe of canon, but they fight the final duel together. The DE that are left surrender. -They become legends of sorts.
  • Plot twist! the dark did not die, it only set. They did not find the Horcruxes, because finding those things in canon was a ridiculous deus ex machina, and so they know Voldemort will return
  • They create a secret society very similar to the Death Eaters and bound to them as they were to Voldemort to combat the threat of him returning before it happened or as soon as they got knowledge of it

Foreal's addition

  • After the final fight with Voldemort, Harry learns to return Fleur's arm to her in the form of a silver arm.