

The war is over, yet Fleur Delacour (almost Weasley) is not very happy.

She thought she had found her perfect man. Bill was intelligent, intriquing, brave, not to mention pleasing to her eye. However, as she got to know him and his family closer, the relationship soured. Not only did the Weasleys always insist on traditional British food and never even tried any foods that she recommended, they insisted she get used to the cuisine, including what the English called "cheese". The last nail to the coffin was Bill's disgusted reaction when he one caught Fleur relishing in the taste of a proper camembert. And yet, it looked like Fortuna has not abandoned her, for she found herself in the company of one Harry Potter. After the war, he had sought peace and solitutude, his wishes often clashing with the notoriously loud Weasley family. Fleur met Harry by accident and both jokingly commiserated with each other over their Weasley issues. A debate led to a dinner invitation and, to her delight, Harry praised her cooking, proving to have a mind open to culinary adventures. It is Fleur's father, however, who first jokingly suggests Fleur start dating Harry, after Harry complimented the brie they served during one later dinner where Fleur invited Harry to France. And when Harry showed interest in the process of making cheese, suggesting he wanted to try his hand at making his own brie, Fleur knew she finally found the one meant for her. Their passion for cheese with white mould became their Bond.