
Consequences of Love

Harry and Fleur's love is like something out of a storybook, what was cold dismissal turned to a warmer acceptance that in turn, became relentless passion, by the end of the Tri-Wizard Tournament, it wasn't unusual to see both of them together, it caused some divide between Harry and his friends, but nothing that wasn't fixable, especially when Hermione found out there was more to Fleur than a pretty face(the fact the french woman got Harry on a complete improvement of his study habits, including a new language, may have helped), Harry got invited to spend his Summer at France, but wasn't willing to risk Fleur and her family now that Voldemort was back, he did, however snuck away more than a few times, with the help of his Cloak and a clandestine portkey.

In one such escapes, everything changed.

It was on warm summer day that Harry felt something different while at Privet Drive, but ignored it, a few days later, he was shocked to see a teary eyed Fleur at the door, with a confused and concerned Tonks coming from her survaillance hideout to talk to her while casting Privacy Spells, Harry caught his girlfriend in his arms, he noticed he was already a bit taller than her, he had never seen her cry this way, it sounded like joy and sadness were fighting.

Fleur kissed him, hard, and said. "Est devenu, bleu, 'Arry, bleu!".

"Blue, Fleur what has turned blue?" He didn't notice Tonks gasp and almost drop her cloak.

To answer, Fleur lifted a small glass vial for him to see, with a swirling blue substance inside it.

Harry was completely bewildered until Fleur turned to him and said the words that would change his worldview forever, "I am pregnant, 'Arry."

The couple didn't notice Tonks repeating 'Fuck' under her breath, nor Petunia dropping the tray she was carrying behind them.

They did notice a desperate Dumbledore appearing with Fawkes in a flash of fire, coming to see why the wards had fallen.

A little father's day prompt. Consequences of Love, I call it.