
Courting the Summer

Diverges from canon after third year, with Pettigrew being arrested and Sirius freed. Having seen the memories of Harry banishing the horde of Dementors, Albus decides to take Harry as an unofficial apprentice, seeing much potential in him. Pettigrew escapes (with assistance) and seeks out his old master. The Triwizard Tournament happens with Harry being dragged into it too. Albus’ tutelage shows itself with Harry having a showdown with his dragon. The difference is that Fleur does not attend Beauxbatons, a French OC is a champion. Voldemort gets resurrected in the end but Harry proves more troublesome. Some Death Eaters doubt their master, Voldemort restores order by executing some of them. Still, this shows Voldemort he needs to acquire more allies and power. Instead of trying to get the Prophecy, Voldemort focuses on contacting various groups around the world and gathering like-minded beings.

Albus knows this and does the same while trying to counter Voldemort’s advances. This goes on for years while Albus also trains Harry and his confidants for the inevitable open conflict. Now, having graduated from Hogwarts, Harry, Albus and their allies are travelling the world, looking for artefacts and allies of their own, having many adventures. Harry and friends are all formidable wizards and witches and build up some renown.

Now they are on a diplomatic mission to the Summer Court of the Fae. Albus and the Royal Couple are deep into negotiations while a feast is arranged for the guests. Harry and the entourage exchange curious, appraising glances with the various courtiers and commanders, some of them looking nearly human (and inhumanly beautiful) while others more closely resemble beasts oflegends. Negotiations drag on into the night and the guests are offered quarters.

As Harry is getting ready for sleep, the door to his quarters open. He reacts quickly and his wand is trained on the intruder, a cloaked person with glowing eyes the colour of the summer skies, hair shining with silver and gold, managed by two intertwined braids. Her face has a stern, harsh beauty to it.

She reveals herself to be the Queen’s Storm Leader, a commander of an elite combat unit.

Upon his query, she replied: “Names have power, Lightbearer. But your deeds in banishing the shadowy fiends have impressed many. In your tongue I would be caller Flower. As for me being here, why, I am making you mine.”

A searing kiss silenced any of Harry’s further questions. He noticed she tasted tangy, reminding him a fruit he couldn’t recall. She shrugged off her cloak, revealing a firm, toned body, yet Harry was surprised by the softness of her curves.

Their joining was tumultuous like a summer storm and certainly loud. In the morning the Royal Couple announced their alliance with Dumbledore’s cause and when they asked for volunteers to join them, it was the proudly smirking Storm Leader who stepped forth. Harry, still bearing marks from that night, noticed the fond look in the Queen’s eyes following that announcement.

Life then certainly proved interesting for Harry, for his new partner was capricious like Spring weather, one moment warm and soothing like a fresh breeze, another raging like a summer storm, only to calm down again. Yet her wrath, when roused, proved as devastating as a hurricane. Harry still wondered what made her decide to join them. But as he got to hold her and be held by her every night, he knew it was all worth it.