
Designation Fleur


Designation: Hana, Fleur, Flor, Zahra Age: 17 Weight: 120lbs Height: 5'9" Eye color: blue Skillset: Seduction, Assassination, Hand to Hand, Swordsmanship, Guns, Magic Kill Rate: 99% Kill Count: 44

73 was a killer. She was nothing, she was nobody. Nothing but a masterful form for The Company to fill with requirements to complete a job.

Wiping the blood from the kitchen knife she borrowed to kill Mark Wethers, she systematically cleared the room of any proof of her existence. 10 minutes later she exits the Hopper's Club draped across a man who can't keep his eyes off her cleavage. 73 seems to any who would care to look a woman who had a bit too much to drink and about to be taken advantage of. 2 blocks later the man is holding his crotch in agony swearing to never pick up sexy blondes at bars again.

Reporting in to AE3 was never enjoyable for 73. He was a lecherous old man who's only reason for not 'tasting' her as he put it was because of how much of an asset to The Company she was. AE3 liked to remind her that if she failed her next mission, he'd have her on her back and enjoying it.

If she could be disgusted, 73 would. But that was beaten out of her long ago. Now, all she did was nod and request her next assignment.

"Harry Potter," AE3 replied with a grimace.

"You'll be taking part in the Triwizard Tournament as Fleur Delacour. His death must look like an accident."

73's mouth made a downturn; unnatural for her emotionless face. She hates having to hide kills. It's much easier to kill and go.

'Fleur Delacour' approached her target ignoring the stares she received.

"Are you wanting ze bouillabaise?"

TL;DR classic assassin meets kind hearted person and discovers they want more and are more than the profession they've been forced to do.

Kind of a goal is for Seawolf's linked image to be the pivotal moment. Where Fleur identifies herself as Fleur Delacour and not 73 and chooses to defy The Company and protect Harry instead of kill him.

Cute moments include:

  • Harry realizing she's never smiled and spends an entire day teaching her
  • Harry realizing he's in love the first time Fleur laughs
  • Harry discovering Fleur's tattoo
  • Fleur confused by the protective fury she feels when Harry tells her about the hijinks he got into in previous years
  • Fleur fascinated by Harry's fascination with her hair
  • Harry always knowing Fleur was a killer but never caring (and Fleur's response)