

Fleur was a lonely girl, I mean her sister wasn’t born until she was already seven. Because of this, she often found herself in the company of books. This fed her curiosity and sparked her interest in the puzzle that is magic. But a child can get bored reading about magic day in and day out so she turned to mystery books.

Fast forward to her school years and she was ostracized because of her heritage. Because of this, she became very adept at people-watching. When she wasn’t watching her classmates, she was trying to solve magic. She learned the hard way to spot when people were lying or faking being kind. Because of this drive to solve the mystery of magic, she became the top of her class. She could cast almost any spell and knew the theory better than some of the teachers. Dueling though, was never her forte. She wasn’t bad, she just didn’t spend her time on it.

When her class traveled to Hogwarts, she was not interested in some silly tournament. What did pique her interest though, was the mystery of how the Boy-Who-Lived was entered, so she decided to solve it whilst dragging along the young boy as both a guide and guard.

While only 15, Harry was one of the best fighters at Hogwarts. He would have to be considering he had almost died multiple times during the past four years he had attended Hogwarts.