

In a highly fantastical world, muggles and magicals never separated, mostly due to the fact that a large number of different breeds of dragons exists and mostly coexists with people. In fact, while there are some dragons living in the wilds, many dragons seek out human settlements, having found out that a symbiosis with the humans has advantages, such as regular food and shelter. Among humans, there are those sensitive enough that dragons can form a telepathic bond with them, forming lifelong partnerships. Over time, even those got refined, so there are now multiple steps to the bonding, including the initial telepathic contact and also drinking a special potion made using the dragon’s blood. The dragons are connected to many walks of life, from fast messenger dragons, to peaceful yet strong dragons in the countryside, helping with agriculture, all the way to heavy-weight combat dragons. And especially those riding combat dragons are honoured, for the world is also teeming with threats. In fact, every human settlement has at least one combat dragon guarding it and in exchange, the settlement provides for the dragon and the rider.

Magic is quite specialised in this world and many foci were developed for specific tasks, including manipulating specific elements, creating shields, healing, etc.

Harry Potter was born in a village into a family of farmers and herbalists, his magical talent undeniable, yet also somewhat modest. Before he can learn much, his parents perish in an attack. Having no other family and almost no possessions, he seeks a place to make a living. However, no craftsman wanted him as an apprentice and no family would adopt him. And so he went to join the army, not as a levy, but as a career soldier. However, his magical talents were not enough to become a battlemage, one of the prestigious positions, nor did he have the means to join the cavalry. And so he trained to join the infantry, hoping to earn enough money to one day buy his own land, build a house, find a wife, and lead a good life. At one time, he attended a Hatching Ceremony as a guard, but no hatchling chose him.

Then, his unit was sent into the field, along with several others. Their commander, a nobleman, had bought his officer position, having received bad intelligence, led the units into an ambush. What was supposed to be a scouting mission in a hostile territory turned into a disaster. The noble died, along with many soldiers and officers. Harry and a few lower ranked officers rallied the ragged remnants of the units and led them out. They trekked through enemy territory, fighting their way home. By the time they did, the remnants of several units merged into one and Harry was the most senior officer. His "boys" were ragged and definitely not conforming to uniform standards. They were highly loyal and very effective at unorthodox styles of combat, however.

Having risen from the rank and file, Harry was not very popular among his superiors, however, they decided to let him keep his unit of misfits. During his career, Harry manages to make several high ranked enemies while also gaining several allies, due to proving effective, but also embarrassing several nobles.

And then, once again, Harry’s unit is in the field and facing bad odds, including three massive ogres. While his unit focuses on other enemies and battlemage Tonks is doing her best to rip enemy flyers from the sky, Harry faces the trio of ogres, armed with his spear ad several combat foci. Using an extremely daring, some would say suicidal, plan, he emerges victorious, though not unscathed.

At this moment, his life changes forever, for a shadow swoops from a nearby hill, a rather large dragon who had called that area her nest, lands in front of Harry, looking at him with her glowing eyes. And Harry feels her mind touch his.