
Favoured by the Stars

Harry always liked the night. He felt comfortable in the dark. And while during the day, he heard only the Dursleys’ harsh words, during the night, he could hear comforting whispers coming from above, worried and friendly voices. Sometimes, he thought he imagined it, at other times, he was convinced it came from the sky. Perhaps he had his guardian angel?

Even at Hogwarts, this continued. His bed was always the closest to the window, and many a night he couldn’t sleep, watching instead the entrancing light of the stars and listening to the sweet voices. It was when the voices grew extremely worried, giving out warning and advice, that he took them truly seriously. Especially when their warnings came true.

It was during Divination classes that he truly learned of the voices’ origins, seeing stars in teacups, tarot cards suggesting loving guidance from above, and starlight filling his crystal ball. At some nights, he tried to focus on the stars, trying to recognize individual voices, even answer them. Each time he received good advice, he sang to the starry sky. The sight often caused verses to burst from his heart.

And then, after the Dark Lord Voldemort came back, a calamitous event happened. A star had fallen. He and Dumbledore knew they had to find it, for whoever possessed the heart of a star, could look forward to life eternal.

Imagine Harry’s surprise when he finds the crater with a glowing figure inside. And when he gently asked her if she was alright, a familiar voice answered. A voice that had lovingly whispered to him since he could remember.