
Fleur and Billl DON'T get together!

Fleur Delacour had just recently graduated from Beauxbatons and had been in England looking for a job at Gringotts when she was approached by Bill Weasley. Bill had told her that he had seen her performance at the Tri-Wizard and was impressed. He had offered to help her get into Gringotts, an offer which she had accepted.

Fleur was pleasantly surprised when she got a job at Gringotts. After a few weeks, Bill had asked her out on a date. While on the date, Bill had talked about something else, a group that he belonged to that was dedicated to fighting the Dark Lord. He also said that the group was recruiting and he hoped that she would join them.

Hesitantly, she agreed and went to a meeting at the group's headquarters. She found out that the organization was named the Order of the Phoenix and its leader was none other then Albus Dumbledore. She also learned that she was going to go on her first mission, a test to see if she was cut out for the group. If it was successful, she would become a full-fledged member.

At the meeting, Bill had asked her if she would like to go out with him again. Fleur politely declined and they had decided to remain friends. Fleur also knew that what she really wanted was a relationship with a certain male with amazing green eyes, eyes that she felt could bore into her soul. Fleur soon learned that the target of her first mission was none other than… Harry Potter.