
Fleur de Lis

Never had Harry heard such a terrible sound as he did in that moment.The scrape of a soul forced against the fabric of nature, the gravelly sound of unnatural hunger, of ultimate greed. An unholy craving for the scrapes of life forever deprived to those accursed creatures.

Nature abhors a void.

His mind disjointed and fractured, the world glimering on the jarred edges of his perception, and the light of his patronus faded once, and then again, until only the light of the life coming out of Dudleys face remained.

The other creatures turned gleeful, gredy, broken mouths towards him, feeling him break, listening to the sound of his despair. His hand rose again, but as the sound of Cedric's scream resonated from his memories, he knew he was doomed.

Ironic, he thought as the voice of his mother screamed in his mind, that even after his end he would be able to keep the 'Boy Who Lived' title.

Light came.

The brightness of a star suffused the world in a flood of warmth and life, and such a luminiscence was too much for the shadows that walked. The terrified screams of terror itself were a sound that had no bussiness being so sweet, yet it could still fell against the sound that broke the subsecuent darkness, the new guardian fading into mist, his job done.

"Are you okay, 'Arry?"

He met constellation-filled eyes as he followed the sound. It was Fleur. She saw the confusion in his eyes and gave him an awkward smile for it. She kneeled next to Dudley and waved her wand over him, nodding to herself.

"He's fine. 'e just needs to rest, they did not manage to ripp-"

"Fleur? what- why are you here?"

She got up and smiled again, this time accompanying it with a curstsy.

"Fleur Isabelle Delacour," She said, her accent breaking free beautifully on her name, "Your new security detail"

TL;DR Fleur is a bodyguard version of the Bodyguard!Harry trope