
Fleur's Declaration of Love, or Lack Thereof

Fleur Delacour doesn't need any fancy poems or silly love letters to express her feelings to the man she loves. She has shown it through her actions like when she kisses Harry Potter with a passion that leaves them both breathless. She does; however, have to remind some individuals that he belongs to her and she belongs to him. If she has to remind those individuals with a low-powerd Fireball; so be it. Many individuals are now sporting bald heads after trying to either break them apart or to seduce them with love potions, etc.

Hermione Granger giggles whenever she hears someone new screaming, "My hair!" Too bad these witches and wizards have never heard of wigs. They might be able to hide their baldness, she thought to herself.

Harry Potter simply shrugs to himself whenever something unusual happens to some idiot who tries to get between him and his new girlfriend. He just has a great time spending it with Fleur. Who knew she was ticklish in certain spots when he kissed them? Who cares, Harry thought to himself as he adjusted Fleur who was sitting on his lap at the Gryffindor table, feeding him grapes much to a lot of people's jealousy which didn't both either Harry or Fleur.

Life is great, isn't it?