
Flowerpot Cuddles

AU where the Beauxbaton's Carriage is actually only about the size of a high school school bus, so when the students get to Hogwarts, they have to find alternative sleep arrangements. Most students pick the great hall, library, and several other places, Fleur has trouble finding a place to be where she won't get hounded by people.

Cue Harry overhearing her woes and offering his four poster while he sleeps somewhere else. When prompted as to where he will sleep, he shrugs her off and simply states that, "I've slept in much worse places than whatever I can find here."

Obviously, Fleur is curious, and thus strikes up an uneasy friendship which clearly grows into something more as the days go by.

Oh, and the end of the fic has to have the two of them ending up cuddling in Harry's 4 poster, because, come on, that's what this prompt really was, an extended plot to have flowerpot cuddles