

The sound of an old car coughs from the Dursley's driveway.

Petunia peeks through the curtain and stairs in horror at the beat up Lada coughing smoke as it dies. It's door opens and the most horrendous noise Petunia has ever heard echoes from the cars stereo.

Out climbs a young lady in a black striped tracksuit.

She's.... Smoking

To Petunias horror, she tosses the still smouldering cigarette bud right there in her driveway.

She was so lost in shock, that she didn't realize the young woman had come to their door and was banging on it.

She ignores it But the banging intensifies It was attracting the neighbours She needed to stop it

She calls for Vernon to answer the door Vernon rips it open with fury on his face But is cowed in an instant when he sees the hard glare in Fleur's eyes.

"You Dursley?"

Vernon nods weakly

"This Harry's house, da?"

He nods again, trembling now

She pushes past him, and past Petunia, who whimpers.

She goes straight to the kitchen And pulls open the fridge, hard enough that the jars rattle.

Petunia watches her take out a tupperware filled with last nights leftovers, and raises her hand weakly to try and stop her.

Fleur doesn't bother warming the food. She just grabs a fork, and sits down. Pushes Vernon's paperwork on the floor and begins eating.

Without swallowing, she points the fork at Petunia.

"Fetch Harry."

Petunia rushes up the stairs. And comes down moments later with a very confused Harry Potter.

His face brightens up as soon as he sees Fleur, something which to the Dursley's surprise, is mimicked by the terrifying young lady.

Fleur drops her fork, messing food without a care and grabs Harry in a massive hug, peppering his face with kisses and proceeds to drag him out of the house.

Dudley comes downstairs and finds his parents standing there frozen.

He hears a car wheezingly start up through the open front door


She ignores him and turns to Vernon.

"What the fuck just happened???"