
Happiness a Dance Does Not Make

Of course Sirius' idea of Godfather/Godson bonding would be a strip club. Harry has no idea why he's surprised. But it's certainly not nearly as shocking as when the blonde goddess who Sirius pays to give him a lap dance turns out to be Fleur Delacour, the Beauxbaton's champion. Not even 4 months ago he'd saved her sister from the depths of the Black Lake and here she was in a lewd display leaving little to the imagination.

It was not common knowledge, but Jacque Delacour had forsaken his Veela wife for some Scandinavian witch leaving Appolline with no income, no savings, and 2 children to take of. Her and Fleur found themselves incapable of finding employment in the wizarding world and resorting to stripping to put food on the table.

Fleur does not talk to the males whom she must perform for. But when mid-dance she discovers the body she's arousing is someone she knows, it forces her to speak out.

And so their journey begins.

Harry, pained by such a strong willed woman being seemingly broken. Day after day he convinces Sirius to bring him back, paying for Fleur's services but never utilizing them. They talk, for every second of that hour. Harry wants to fix her, to be the hero but Fleur, stubborn, strong willed, Fleur will not accept anyone's help.