
Harry The Hufflepuff

Hufflepuff Harry & Fleur AU.

Harry, bumps into a nice second year on the train to Hogwarts. He apologizes, but she tells him it's fine. She realizes that he has no one to sit with, and neither does she, so despite her shyness she invites him to sit with her. They get talking and Harry learns that her name is Fleur Delacour and she's a foreign exchange student from the French school of magic he had never heard of. She isn't the best at English, and that makes some of the local Slytherins make fun of her, on top of her silver hair. Feeling emboldened to defend his new friend, Harry stands up to one of the Slytherins named Drago Mouthy or something like that? The other boy pulls his wand but a prefect arrives just in time and separates them. Fleur thanks him for standing up for her, but lets him know that he shouldn't get hurt because of her. He says he figures that, but he just couldn't stand there and watch her get picked on. She gives him a smile that makes it all worth it. They talk the last of the trip to Hogwarts.

At the sorting ceremony, Dumbledore welcomes and introduces Fleur to the school before her sorting. The hat takes a little bit to decide, but ultimately puts her in Hufflepuff. Harry, wanting to be able to spend time with and befriend Fleur, asks the hat to put him in Hufflepuff as well. The hat accepts his request and Harry is sorted into Hufflepuff.

Before long Harry and Fleur become good friends, going through the years together, fighting Voldemort, rescuing Ginny from the Basilisk, and saving Sirius until Harry's fourth year when he gets nominated as the fourth Triwizard Champion alongside Cedric Diggory. Determined to make sure her best friend not only survives, but also wins the Tournament, Fleur does everything in her power to prepare him. During their many practices, Harry realizes how beautiful and kind Fleur is, and it all goes downhill from there.

Not as bold/'snooty' Fleur. More down to earth, girl next door vibes