
I wanna hold your hand

“So wait”, Fleur said, sitting cross legged in the air, staring at the boy in front of her, “You summoned me why?”

Harry blushed lightly, ducking his head as he murmured something she couldnt make out.

“What was that?”

“I said I was lonely,” Harry repeated, his blush more prominent now. “Let me get this straight,” Fleur Delacour said, concerned, as she stood straight in the air, her hand pointed at her chest, “You summoned me, a fae of passion and fire, because you were lonely? You sold your soul to me in a pact, because you were friendless? Doesnt that seem… a bit too shallow to you?”

“Hey! I have friends!” Harry said defiantly, green eyes piercing. She stared, and he shrunk back a bit at her deadpan expression. “I just… they’re not very close friends, you know? I.. wanted someone a bit closer?”

“So… a lover?”

“NO!” He exclaimed, blushing as he leaned back on his chair, “Not something like… that! I just wanted… a best friend, I guess?”

“Pffffft”, Fleur snorted, tumbling back in the air, her dress fluttering, as she giggled unabashedly, “A best friend? What are you, twelve?”

The dark haired boy pouted, “Sixteen!”

“Wait, really?” She stopped, reorienting herself so that she was staring at him upside down, her face inches from his, “You’re only Sixteen summers?”


She blinked in surprise, “You summoned me at sixteens summers of age? Are you some kind of stupid prodigy? A miracle child?”

“Me, a prodigy?” Harry snorted in derision, “Hardly. I’m pretty bad, actually. I’m last of my year here. Professor McGonagall cant stop telling me how disappointed she is in me.”

“Huh,” Fleur muttered, her expression unreadable. Then, she blinked, and it was like a switch flipped.

Spinning in the air, she settled herself down on to his messy desk, straight on top of the assignments he had ditched to perform his summoning.

“So, Mister Best Friend”, She said, grinning, “What do you want to do?”


“Well, you summoned me to be your best friend”, Fleur explained slowly, “So what’s the first thing you want us to do as best friends, hmm?”

“Oh, uhhh”, Harry stumbled, surprised at the fae’s sudden acceptance, “Well, there was one thing I’d always wanted to try! I’ve seen so many people do it, but I didnt have anyone to do it with!”

He offered his hand to her, open, palm facing up. His green eyes were wide, childish, desperate hope radiating from his cute face, “So uh, miss Fleur, can I hold your hand?”

And Fleur’s head exploded.

Metaphorically, of course.

Colour rushed to her face as she scrambled back, nearly falling off the desk, as she stared at the proffered hand.

Did… did he just… Her brain refused to cooperate, unable to handle the strain of his request.

Did this boy know what he had just said? She had known humans were degenerates - thats why they made pacts with demons, after all - but she hadn't been prepared for this.

Apparently not, if his devastated expression was anything to go by. His bright green eyes dulled, his face fell, and he shrunk in himself, and Fleur felt the sudden urge to hold him close and reassure him that everything was going to be okay.

What a terrifying power. [11:09 AM] She sighed, biting back her comment. The boy obviously was just ignorant. She couldnt blame him for not knowing what handholding meant to the fae.

And if he didnt know, it didnt make it as important. Or so she told herself.

Her face redder than the blood moon, Fleur reached forward, and grabbed onto her summoner’s hand, her fingers intertwining with his as she pulled herself closer.

He looked up, his eyes wide with such pure, innocent awe that Fleur felt her heart melt. His hand, soft but firm, clutched hers just a bit tighter.

“Thank you”, he said.

“J-Just dont mention it”, she said, her face uncomfortably hot as she looked away, “I’m s-serious. Never tell anyone about this.”

He nodded.

They sat there for a while, the quiet crackle of his room’s fireplace the only sound, hands intertwined.

“Your hands,” Harry muttered, and Fleur glanced over to see a soft smile on his face, his eyes far away, “They’re soft… and warm.”

He turned to her, green eyes meeting blue, “I want to hold them forever.”

And Fleur’s heart exploded.

Once again, only metaphorically.