
I was a Teenage House Elf

Narcissa Black, formerly Malfoy, glared at the idiot that would no longer be her son.

"You know what, you little shit?" Narcissa said with a snarl. "There's something that I've always wanted to tell you…"

"What, you bitch," Draco said to his former mother.

Narcissa grinned, "Your real mother was a House Elf!" She turned and happily skipped to where Harry and Fleur were waiting. "I've always wanted to say that!"

"LIES! Those are LIES, you BITCH," Draco screamed.

Narcissa laughed as she gave both Harry and Fleur a searing kiss. "Can we go?"

Harry said, with a daze, "Huh? What?"

"Come along, love," Fleur looked at Harry with a smirk. "I believe Cissy wants some 'private time'."

"Indeed I do," Narcissa said, as she looked back at an open-mouthed Draco. She linked arms with Harry and Fleur and they both left Hogwarts together.

"Wait...wait till my Father hears about this!" Draco screamed as he hurried home.

Later at Malfoy Manor, an exasperated Draco cornered his father, Lucius, in the study.

"Father...please, tell me…" Draco said, "that bitch said terrible lies about me!"

Lucius rubbed his forehead, "What did she tell you?"

"She, she...said that my mother...my real mother...was a House Elf," Draco said with horror.

"Well, that's…" Lucius picked up a mirror and turned it towards Draco.

Draco looked into the mirror and screamed...the face that was staring back at him was...a House Elf...