
Knight and Dragon

Sir Harry, a knight errant, hears of a town having trouble with a fierce dragon, so he travels there and accepts the quest.

After investigating the attacks and the townspeople's claims, he is ready to enter the lair of the wyrm.

A fierce battle ensues, a contest of arms, words, and wits.

Both foes are formidable, and the gruelling struggle leads to a growing respect between the combatants.

Harry finds that the foe who's giving him so much trouble is in fact a shapeshifting dragoness, azure and silver, proud and powerful, and strangely beautiful.

Fleur is at first frustrated by this interloping knight. Where his fighting prowess might fail him, he thwarts her plans with luck and cunning, and where she thought to trap him, he overpowers her with force of arms and his conviction. He also wields his good looks as a devastating weapon.

What started as a trick changed into flirting.

High on adrenaline, both foes find they cannot overcome the other, and moreover, they do not want to.

Some time later, the townspeople see the knight, battered and bruised, leave, accompanied by a strange young woman, surely the dragon's prisoner.

It is when they are safely far away from the town that scaled wings burst from the woman's back.

And so the knight and the dragon depart for new adventures.

They couldn't overcome one another, so what happens when they join forces?