
Le Dame de Landuc

Fleur is from a long line of Fae nobility whose task was to protect Northern Brocéliande. Her father was one of the Warden of Brocéliande and fought to protect it from intruders, a formidable Fae knight. Fleur, however, was more inclined to artistic pursuits and healing. And so it was decided that she would marry a knight who would become a Warden in her place.

Her father selected Sir Draco of the prestigious House Malfoy. It was a marriage of convenience, but Draco enjoyed the prestige of being the lord of his own castle, and having a pretty Fae wife. Unbeknownst to Fleur’s family, he had placed an important artefact of the dark sorcerer Voldemort in their forest, thus helping safeguard Voldemort’s immortality.

Time went on, and Fleur’s father died of a mysterious illness, and Draco took over as head of the family. Then, one day, alarums rang, as there was an intruder in the forest. Sir Draco had to ride off to drive off the intruder.

Sir Harry is on a quest to find and destroy the means Voldemort used to achieve immortality. He has tracked one of the artefacts into Northern Brocéliande. Suddenly, a mage-knight in green and silver armour is storming at him. A fierce duel ensues, but it is Sir Draco who falls, cut down, with a fragment from the tip of Sir Harry’s sword embedded in his skull.

Wounded and weary, Sir Harry continues his search and finds the artefact. He manages to destroy it, but the magical discharge wounds him further and knocks him out. He is found by Fleur, who had to set off after her husband had failed to return. She felt the magical discharge and had to investigate.

She takes care of the wounded Sir Harry at her castle and finds herself charmed by his handsome features. When they talk, her heart stirs.

But then she makes a discovery. The shard from her husband’s skull perfectly fits onto Sir Harry’s damaged sword.

Fleur is conflicted, especially as her impish sister suggests that who better to marry and make the Warden than the one who had slain the previous Warden…