
Legacy of Defiance

Overcoming dark lords has always had consequences. And nothing proves that as well as the tragic fate that befell Fleur and her beloved in times when legends lived and myths were true. The supernatural couple of heroes defied a villain that would today be called a dark god, and defeated him, but his final Curse affected them both.

Death cruelly tore them apart, her beloved dying young, but that was not all. The Curse kept them apart and she couldn’t follow him into death. She had to watch as the world around her changed and her family and friends died one by one, while she stood as if untouched by time.

A chance encounter shocked her out of her grief, for she met a young man looking as if her beloved was looking back at her from a mirror. She couldn’t help herself, and fell for him all over again. And thus the Curse’s cruelty was finally revealed.

She would live through falling in love again and again, only to have her love torn away every time.

But she had defied the dark god, and she would defy his Curse. Instead of apathy, she channelled her grief into drive, and delved into research of magic and of the divine.

And the next time her beloved came back, she fell for him again. But she was ready. Using a ritual of her own making, she awakened his memories of his past lives.

The couple reunited and set to defy the cruel fate together. They worked to break the curse, but death struck again.

And again, and again.

But every time, they came a step closer, every lifetime moved them towards finally breaking the Curse.

And now? Now Harry Potter during his fourth year notices a pair of eyes watching him, unlike any he has seen so far. Old, tired, resolute.
