
New Home

Harry moves into a new house at the edge of a forest. His good friend Luna had advised him how to properly appease the spirits of the forest, since he is an intruder to them.

Fleur is the Veela of the forest, and is incensed at a new human intruding into her realm. She prepares traps to set, to lure him deeper into the forest, to his demise.

Harry is aware he would be facing resistance, and prepares the proper appeasement rituals, baking pies, getting bright ribbons, and more.

As he evades her traps and though the rites shows his respect for her forest, Fleur hesitates, there is less effort in her murderous schemes. Eventually, she starts testing him, arranging incidents so that he might reveal his true character.

Harry notices the spirits’ resistance to his presence growing weaker, and is grateful to his friend for her advice. As he is able to move more and more around the forest, he encounters its various inhabitants. A fawn caught in a snare. A wounded owl. And even a fairy distraught because her tree was damaged in a storm.

Though his kindness, he makes new friends. And it is this kindness (and the encouraging of her fairy friends) that convinces Fleur to give him a chance, to approach him.

And so starts a new kind of dance, one that neither dancer is familiar with.