
Next Gen Tournament

23 years after the defeat of Voldemort, the Triwizard Tournament gains a spiritual successor in the World Championship Witchcraft and Wizardry tournament between the 8 major schools (Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, Ilvermorny, Castelbruxo, Mahotokoro, Koldovstoretz and Uagadou). The competition is bigger and bolder than before, with more wizarding media coverage, amd schools are also expected to field larger rosters to compete across many more events.

However, the international scope has attracted the attention of blood supremacists from all over the globe. After all, what better endorsement for blood purity than to have muggleborns choke on the largest stage the magical world has ever seen?

In which the next generation of kids compete in a tournament for pride and glory, not knowing that they're about to become a front in a magical cold war.