
Pact of Ice and Fire

ASOIAF crossover, the Dance of Dragons is finished, Lord Cregan Stark returned to Winterfell, married for a second time, this time to Alysanne Blackwood, a fierce woman noted for her lack of fear, midnight black locks and piercing green eyes.

Years have gone by and Harrion Stark, Lord Cregan’s second son, is certain of many things. His big brother Rickon is going to one day rule as the Stark of Winterfell, married to his pretty wife Jeyne of House Manderly. Harrion was going to be his brother’s most loyal bannerman and willingly spent time with Winterfell’s Master-at-Arms, training to be the best he could be. He knew he loved and respected the Old Gods, often finding a quiet time to sit under Winterfell’s Weyrwood Tree.

Now, however, he was called to his Father’s solar. Upon arriving, he noticed that there were strangers accompanying his father. Southron looking strangers with silvery hair of Old Valyria, bearing sigil of House Celtigar.

A long, confusing conversation ensued, Prince Jacaerys had been married before he died, to a sister of the current Lord Celtigar. It turned out they managed to conceive before he died. Fearing retribution, the resulting daughter was brought up in secret, yet now, Rūklenys, Ruk for short, named for being a precious flower with her Valyrian blood coming to the forefront again. Harrion remembered being told about the pact, Prince Jacaerys’ firstborn daughter was to marry Rickon. Yet the prince died, seemingly without issue and Rickon was married now.

“Lord Stark, you have honoured your side of the Pact. Do not let it be said that we do not honour ours. Lady Rūklenys Targaryen, removed from the line of succession now, is here. We brought her and remand her into your hands, Lord Stark. We trust she will be treated as is proper.”

Now this, Harrion decided, was a surprise. His green eyes locked with the seemingly demure gaze of the young Lady and he noticed a spark in there. She certainly did not seem a fragile Southron Flower.