
Pillow Love

Harry and Fleur's little cottage stood alone on a cliff overlooking the sea, it was located on the outskirts of Tinworth, Cornwall, near the coast. Looking at the cottage, visitors would often describe it as a "lonely and beautiful place". The cottage had been gifted to them by Arthur and Molly as a wedding present. Harry; however, loved the isolation of the place as it kept himself and his wife away from prying eyes.

It all started innocently, you see. Harry Potter began collecting feathers when his wife Fleur would sometimes shift into her Veela form during their "private" times. Harry found them to be rather soft and exquisite.

Fleur found the sight amusing and once asked her husband, "'Arry? What are you doing wiz zose?"

Harry replied with a grin, "Pillows, love!"

Fleur giggled and let a few more feathers drop as she watched her husband pick them up.

Indeed, Harry made a few pillows from the feathers he had collected. There were a couple that he kept in a lounge chair in his office at Hogwarts. Rather than become an Auror, he accepted the position of DADA Professor when it was offered to him by Headmistress McGonagall. His personal office would soon gain a reputation that it seemed to radiate a warmth and welcome not found in other professor's offices.

Harry also collected the feathers his two daughters or chiclets (he adored that term), Victoire and Émilie, would drop when he and Fleur, or their friends, would play with them. He turned those into bedroom pillows for himself and Fleur.