
Pirates of Hogwarts

AU Harry Potter/Pirates of the Caribbean

Set in The mystical world of Harry Potter, with elements from Pirates of the Caribbean

Pairing: Harry 'Scarface' Potter/Susan Bones (get it? Crossbones lol)

Could be a one-shot or longer

Harry would be like Captain Jack Sparrow

The scene in the Order of the Phoenix where the students are taking their exams and the weasley twins interrupt with the fireworks would be replaced with the students minus Harry taking their tests when they started to hear some eerie music and chanting going:

"Yo ho, oh Lads, hoist the colors high" the wind outside starts to pick up and the students plus Umbridge hear flags rustling in the wind and shadows of flags appear in the hall.

The chanting continued on: "Heave ho, Thieves and Beggars, today you shall die" ( the Thieves and Beggars concept is my idea of the corrupt Ministry) The shadows seemed almost as if they were sharpening towards Umbridge and her inquisitorial squad. They were petrified with fear seeping into their very bones. Harry suddenly materialized from within the shadows in front of everyone…

My idea of Harry's appearance is that he would be wearing a hat similar to Captain Jack Sparrow's with one of Hedwig's feathers and a phoenix feather tucked in it. He would have rings upon his fingers, some of houses he inherited and those he conquered(stealing like a pirate would)