
Prompt: 101

An idea for a fic:

Fleur is hot, she knows it, she loves it. She is powerful and the Veela Allure that surrounds her is not a problem in her life, if a man can't handle it, that just proves how weak they are and if a woman can't keep her man because of it, that's not her problem.

True she is a bit lonely, her sister is a bit young to have the conversations she would like to have with other women, other women don't like her, and men are usually too entranced to actually think about anything other than sex with her.

Then she meets Harry Potter. Oh, he's just like most men; she can feel his eyes on her often enough. But, he's also...more. He brings intrigue where he goes even if he doesn't seem to know it. He disappears from view sometimes in the blink of the eye, he can't be found unless he wants to be, and is always seemingly solving mysteries and conspiracies. She wants to know more, but to her surprise he's cagey, quiet, and surprisingly confident even being the center of her attention.

And then, little by little. She falls; falls for his quiet strength, his surprising quick wit, his rare affections, and the deepness of his love.

In which Fleur is the woman Ginny, Hermione, and Molly thought she was. Falling in love with Harry Potter changes her to be better.