
Prompt: 130

TRIGGER WARNING:abusive relationship, Stockholm Syndrome, mental and physical torture and much more 

The day Harry Potter married Fleur delacour was the best day of his life. They just seemed to…. Fit. Fleur was kind and beautiful and talented and wonderful, and Harry loved her. And anyone who saw them both would say without a shadow of a doubt that she loved him too. Yes, the day Harry married Fleur was without question the best day of his life. What came after, however, was a hell he couldnt have imagined even in his darkest of nightmares. In public, and in the presence of others, Fleur was perfect. Loving, attentive, snarky, caring, she and harry had an enviable dynamic, a connection that was deeper than most could hope to comprehend. Yet, behind closed doors, when they were alone with each other, everything changed. For then, when it was just Harry and her, Fleur’s mind would be overtaken by a wicked change. Her emotions would warp and twist, and she would be filled with hatred, disgust, and a vicious sadism. All directed and focused on the love of her life, her husband.

When the doors banged shut, a desire to see him hurt, to see him break, to see him fall into ruin would rear up in her, and all would devolve into pain. Their ‘sessions’ would often end with Harry, burnt, beaten and broken, body spasming with the silent phantoms of pain, curled up on the cold floor, tears flowing from his eyes as his body was wracked with sobs. Yet it was not his physical torment that hurt him the most. It was the words, those sharp sounds that sheared his sense of self, left him questioning his ability, his meaning, his very existence. That they came from the one who head willing given his heart to, made them hurt all the more. Yet when each session passed, when the doors opened once more, the dark, twisted thoughts would slither away from Fleur’s mind, and she would be left horrified by what she'd done.At once she would give her all to tending to Harry, helping him heal, holding him close and whispering her love in his ear, unknowing that this back and forth was wreaking Havoc with Harry's mind. He couldn't understand it. The constant pain, the sessions of torture and the periods of love. It left him confused, disoriented, which led to paranoia which led to more confusion and disorientation, and so on. It broke something, deep inside him. Harry changed. Displaying what was known to muggle therapists as Stockholm syndrome, he became desperate to please his tormentor. Her words became his creed, her wish his goal. He spoke nothing of what went on to any of his friends or family. He believed her belittling and harsh comments about his uselessness, his worthlessness, and how she was taking pity on him. So much so, that every time she took it upon herself to hurt him, to make him slave about, or to ruin him, he said nothing. For in the twisted from that remained of his love for her, it didnt matter.. Fleur, on the other hand, was terrified out of her mind. She could no longer understand her own action, emotions, her very thoughts. She can see how she’s hurting him, and she wants to stop. But she couldnt. No matter how much she tried, the darkness kept coming back. She couldnt even tell anyone, beg them to stop her, to save him from what she’s turning him into. Every time she tried, her tongue would twist up, her mind would blank, and her chance would pass. But Fleur couldnt stop trying. She wouldnt. For no matter what, she loved harry. She was already damned by what she’d done, but Harry deserved better. He deserved out. And for him, she would tear herself in two if only to set him free.