
Prompt: 144

Part 1

Auror Captain Harry Potter was somewhere between fucking pissed, horrified, and ‘Blow the top off a mountain’ angry. As his team moved deeper into the headquarters of the prostitution ring, hidden below a church in Bristol, the more his anger intensified. People, captured and broken, to be sold to the highest bidder. Staring with dead eyes and desperate to be ‘good’. Terrified of disobeying their captors, they were from every age and race, from shivering, terrified four year olds, to still, obedient young men and women. All normal people, ripped from their homes and lives, broken and abused and trained by the monsters who ran the ring, treated as merchandise, to be sold across the world to rich and powerful buyers. It sickened him.

Part 2

Every cell they passed, every abductee they freed, made him itch to kill something. Preferably messily. Even his team members, nine men and women he would have gladly laid down his life for at any second, who he’d eat with, bunked with, partied with, and lived with, were apprehensive of getting anywhere close to him. They’d seen an angry Harry Potter once before. They still had nightmares. Finally, Harry and his strike team, Angelina Johnson, Henry Avery and Drew Flynn-fletcher, rounded the final corner into an expansive hallway. The end of which was adorned by the ornate doors of the main office. Harry, pretty much steaming at this point, gave the order to blow the door. Smoke and shrapnel exploded inward from the breach point and he stepped in. The smugglers never stood a chance. As the backup team entered, sweeping the room and escorting the detained leaders off the premises into auror custody, Harry noticed a door in one corner of the room. It to a bare room, consisting primarily of a large cell. A cell, in which was huddled a single, female figure.

He opened the cell door. At the crack of the hinges, the evidently naked young woman flinched sharply, scrambling back to a corner, repeating, “22 is a good girl. 22 is a good girl!” Eyes widening in shock, Harry crouched down, his hands held out placatingly, palms facing the girl. He slowly edged forward, speaking softly, “Hey there. Hi. My name is Harry. I’m with the aurors, ok? We’re here to get you out of here. There’s no need to be scared. I wont hurt you. i promise.” Trembling, she glanced at him, giving him his first full view of a gorgeous face, obviously of french descent, framed by silvery blond hair and complemented by her svelte build. Yet what entranced Harry were her eyes. Beautiful cerulean, dull and broken, but for the briefest moment, hopeful.

Part 3

At the entrance to the church, in the Auror perimeter, she clung to him, wearing only his jacket and wrapped in a blanket, eyes fearfully glancing about the proceedings as the smugglers were taken away, and other released captives escorted by Aurors. He sat her down by one of the ornate, stained glass windows of the chapel. Crouching down in front of her, he spoke softly, taking her hands in his, drawing her attention away fromher fascinated staring at the patterned glass, a stab of anger passing through him as she flinched at the contact, “Hey there. It's going to be okay, you hear me? You’re safe now. Free. We’re not going to let them get their hands on you again. Any of you.” She nodded shyly, still unable to meet his eyes. “What’s your name?” Her beautiful eyes widened, before she replied in a trembling voice, “22.” “22?” She nodded again, her body stiffening up abruptly, blue eyes wide in terror. “22! 22 is sorry! 22 is a good girl! Please dont leave 22!” He shushed her, thumbs rubbing the back of her hands in soft, calming motions till she relaxed, slowly, “Dont worry. I’m not leaving you. Just…. 22 isnt much of a name, is it? How about we give you a new one? One that you want.” She nodded, slowly. He glanced around, his eyes landing on the stained glass imagery she had been staring at. A field of flowers. “Do you like flowers?” Her eyes widened, darting to the same window he had just glanced at. She nodded, biting her lip. “Since you’re french… how does Fleur sound? Do you like it?” She blinked, before whispering, “Yes.” Harry smiled at her, “well then. Its nice to meet you Fleur.” The smile she gave him, tentative though it was, was in his eyes the brightest, most beautiful thing he had ever seen. It was then that he realised: He would do anything to protect that smile.

TLDR: And AU where harry is an auror, and rescues a certain beautiful, silvery blond, young french woman from a prostitution ring, and helps her along her path of healing.