
Prompt: 159

Harry visits Fleur's home for the first time. What he didn't know is that "France" is a somewhat broader term in the magical world. So when the portkey dumps him at an arrival point and it's suddenly night outside, Harry is more than a little confused since they left at dawn. But all the signs look French enough, so probably just a quirk of magic. Come to think of it, the air is rather warm and wet. But the magical quarter looks like Paris, so whatever. There's more important things to worry about, namely making a good impression with Fleur's family. And yet, throughout the dinner, he can't shake the feeling that he's missing something. So he keeps asking questions about what's nearby, but all answers sound reasonably French and he does not know any of those places. The food is a bit strange, as if someone took fast food and tried to make it as artfully and well-made as possible.

Eventually, there's an embarrassing moment when he realises that the next town, La Nouvelle-Orléans, is not in Europe, and neither is he.