
Prompt: 19

Post-war story: Harry has become Voldemort's equal, Death Eaters feared him just as much as normal light side wizards feared Voldemort.

The war was nasty, left a lot of scars and grudges. Families of death eaters despise Harry for slaughtering their relatives. They are also scared enough of him not to make any moves. Nobody wants more fighting where Harry Potter takes part. After basically lifetime of suffering and war, Harry mostly holds the wizarding world in contempt, unless you are his friend or fought by his side. He considers the majority of wizarding Britain to be cowards at best. Fleur, either never having dated Bill or having broken up with him, takes it upon herself to show her comrade and good friend, Harry Potter, that there is beauty in the world and wonder to magic. They travel together, have adventures, discover lost cities, visit veela enclaves etc. A love story between Fleur and Harry where Fleur teaches Harry to love the world and himself.