
Prompt: 205

Synopsis: Exposure to dementors had awoken something deep within harry that night he saved sirius from death. Follow harry as he learns what he has unlocked and how this will affect him from now on.

Prompt specifics:

  • Starts end of third year
  • harry will have a kaiju animagus form (Godzilla)
  • harry will have a partial transformation ( claws, scales, etc.)
  • harry will gain more self confidence and leave the Dursleys
  • harry will be paired with fleur.
  • fleur will be able to shift into standard Veela avian form and a Rodan form.
  • fleur's standard veela form will have Rodan aesthetics (red tipped feathers, embers trailing off her as she moves, something like that)
  • Some kind of bond will have fleur and harry ending up together (magic, kaiju, or other)
  • harry and fleur will be antagonistic towards each other due to the inner kaiju not wanting to submit to the other.
  • Eventually some event will happen where they open up to each other

Not really sure what else I should put but there are the guidlines. I ask that credit for the idea goes to my fanfiction.net username CrimsonRasengan. Other than that have fun and tag me when the first chapter is up.