
Prompt: 214

"Holly Potter is an exceptional individual. Beautiful, brilliant, and powerful in a myriad of magics, its no wonder that the Girl-Who-Lived draws the attention of men and women alike...so why are all these hot witches coming onto me!?"

Harry Potter is not an all that noticeable individual. Shy, short, quiet, and altogether more comfortable reading a book than talking to people. He probably would have been a Ravenclaw if his twin hadn't bullied the Sorting Hat into putting him into the same house as her. And yet the fairer sex can't help but be drawn to him. From the bold chasers of his house, to the cunning ladies of House Slytherin. Hell, even the seductive Eastern European witches from Drumstang and a very affectionate Veela from France have a thing for him.

Between all this attention and his sister's tendency to drag him into trouble, is it any wonder that Harry just wants to finish reading his damn book?